Trace Media Ltd
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Weddings Magazine
Weddings Magazine-
From the ceremony preparations, all the way to the wedding day, until the reception in the evening, and the honeymoon getaway, Weddings website gives hand to the bride to plan the perfect unforgettable day of her life. The website is replete with everything she needs and desires to create her flawle
تسعى مجلة "تكنوتل" لتغطية الأخبار التقنية والتكنولوجية باللغة العربية على الساحتين العربية والعالمية، وتزويد المستخدمين بمرجع إلكتروني شامل يبقيه على إطلاع كامل بآخر المستجدات التكنولوجية، وإعطاء المتخصصين في مجال الاتصالات منصة فعالة لترسيخ معلوماتهم في هذا المجال، وذلك وفق رؤية فعّالة بأن تكون "تك
Telecom Review Magazine
Telecom Review Magazine-
Telecom Review is a monthly publication that targets all the telecom industry seniors and executives and anyone who has interest in this field. <br><br>Telecom Review provides its readers with quality reporting, thorough researching, and insightful articles in content and style. In addition to exclu
Telecom Review-Africa
Telecom Review-Africa-
Telecom Review Africa présente l’actualité se rapportant aux opérateurs mobiles, aux réseaux fixes ISP et aux satellites, ainsi qu’aux dernières innovations de l’industrie des télécoms et aux nouvelles technologies.<br><br>Ce magazine est également devenu l’un des médias incontournables pour la couv
Telecom Review NA
Telecom Review NA-
Telecom Review North America is a North American focused magazine that targets telecom , ICT and technology industry executives, as well as those who have an interest in this field in order to reach industry decision makers.<br><br>Our readers include executives, carriers, vendors and suppliers, in
Telecom Review Asia
Telecom Review Asia-
Telecom Review Asia Pacific is a publication that aims to be the source of business intelligence for telecoms companies, government and other industry players within the Asia Pacific region.<br>Our readers include executives, operators, vendors and suppliers, as well as those either directly or indi